Last weekend I went up to Lehi to visit my Sister Desi, and her family and my brother Dusty and his wife Emmi. All 3 of us are pregnant! Desi is due December 11, Emmi is due February 8th and I'm due April 13th, so we are all about 2 months from each other. It was not planned.. AT ALL it just happened this way! Desi and Emmi are having boys and we will find out in a couple days what we are having. We decided to get pictures taken since this would probably be the last time we were all pregnant together before Desi has her baby so here we are...
Desi and Treven, Emmi and Boston and Me Batty :) (don't mind my dress is all ruffled in the back I had to make it tight so you could see my tummy)
We Can Do Hard Things– (Angie Guymon)
6 years ago
such cute tummys!!